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Cas last won the day on October 4 2016

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About Cas

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  • What car do you drive?
    Alfa 147, GTV TS, Citroen Berlingo.
  • Location
    Australia, Bega
  1. Alfa 147 electricals dead, boot button and window buttons not working, everything else perfect? No blown fuses that i could find but i am wondering if it is a relay or a wiring plug that is the problem I fiddled around with wiring near fuse- box inside the care and the relays behind the headlight and it worked for a few days. Not sure what i did to make it work, then it stopped working again. Any ideas, please?
  2. Hi Smaky, Alfa 147 facelift headlining replacement? Does the headlining from the earlier cars fit the later cars with the same fabric? Also i noted that the roof is the same, so does the 4 door fit the 2 door? Rear part of the headlining has a rip in it, badly sagged , how i bought the car.
  3. Alfa 147 facelift headlining replacement? Does the headlining from the earlier cars fit the later cars with the same fabric? Also i noted that the roof is the same so does the 4 door fit the 2 door? Rear part of the headlining has a rip in it, how i bought the car.
  4. garage today found these codes. 03 connection between lamp and ECU, fail. 05 passenger Air Bag off lamp. I have the diagnostic software now set up on an old laptop. Its not a straightforward thing at all, a real bitch, can't get the bit to open for the DTC although it seems to scan. It didn't detect any fault codes when i went in on my laptop and yet today the garage found 2 fault codes. The local garage kind of doesn't want to know but will do the scan. Tell me the fault codes. Ironically never had any trouble like this with my Alfa 147.
  5. Cable driver installed on lap top and the port set up. Did an Air Bag scan and it doesn't show any faults but the light is still on. DTC area is inactive? Any ideas?
  6. The new GTV with TS engine arrived home with a gearbox noise, drained the oil and about a cup came out. Was serviced for the last few years by "Alfa" garage in Melbourne, pretty pissed off , no oil leaks. I have a good Selespeed gearbox , can they be converted to manual and will it fit a 2000 year car? otherwise will have to find a good manual box.
  7. Smaky, thank you . This to do with the GTV , not the 147. just ordered the VAG-com lead and it should arrive soon. In reading the blurb the disc that comes with it , Install cable drivers (provided on CD). This bit i don't understand? Cable adapted to include a 4 way switch to access different ECUs: Position 1 = Engine ECU (read / clear engine faults) Position 2 = AirBag ECU (read / clear airbag faults) Position 3 = ABS ECU (read / clear break faults) Position 4 = ESP ECU (red / clear stability faults) Is the switch on the screen , i.e. menu? I also bought this cable but it doesn't seem to come with the driver disc or isn't it needed? There are a couple of garages here at a nearby rural town, no interest here just take your money, the other one is helpful but i have to do the work. You mention the power plug to the Airbag ecu, between the back seat? The other garage i am using got a different fault , in the end the light only needs to go off. i found an open circuit at the yellow cable under the passenger seat, so once i get the cable i can clear the code all being well.
  8. Alfa GTV Airbag light? i saw this post. "Not true, I have soldered the Airbag wiring under the seats in my 3.0 GTV. (I've got the Momo electric seats, so always had the ignition on when moving them) And no airbag light for me! Soldered the the cables or by-passed the seat? So you have to cut the wires if you remove seat? Pretty sure the connector under the passenger seat is faulty as i disconnected the battery and put an emulator in and there was an open circuit, had a fiddle and it seems on the seat side of the plug. Whats the go on testing the seat for continuity?
  9. TS Air Flow Meter unresponsive? Car was running perfectly til the nephew fiddled with it! I now notice that the airflow meter doesn't make any difference when unplugged. Tried the one out of my perfect 147 and doesn't work either. Engine now hunts on the idle , starts and revs but runs badly. No idea what he did except that he remove the radio.
  10. 147 Brake pedal no throttle? Alfa 147 Selespeed. You press the brake pedal in neutral and there is no throttle, take your foot off and it revs? ABS , VDC and engine lights on. Bought this car unseen cheap for parts , great motor and it is too good to wreck. However it had a new clutch fitted by the previous owner in a garage and there is no drive . Selespeed doesn't select gears , changed the pump/ relay. Cant get any of my three scanners to connect to read the fault codes. Need to get a new one. The pump seems to draw too much power and sometimes comes on when you open the door, selects 1,2 and partially R, doesn't get full clutch release and slips. All these electrical issues bother me and i wonder if i should just use the car for parts ? Annoys me as it was obviously going before it came t the garage where i bought it. WTF?
  11. 147 Brake pedal no throttle? Alfa 147 Selespeed. You press the brake pedal in neutral and there is no throttle, take your foot off and it revs? ABS , VDC and engine lights on. Bought this car unseen cheap for parts , great motor and it is too good to wreck. However it had a new clutch fitted by the previous owner in a garage and there is no drive . Selespeed doesn't select gears , changed the pump/ relay. Cant get any of my three scanners to connect to read the fault codes. Need to get a new one. WTF?
  12. got under the car tonight cold 5' check the starter with hot wire it works. What is the route of the wiring to the ignition key?
  13. Just bought another 147, cheap and unseen. Not a bad car. Turns out maybe too good to wreck. Garage had the car left by the customer, so story goes. They don't fix Alfa. They say the car ran but it wouldn't select gear and one of their mechanics started to look at it . So no idea what he has done. I was told it has "Selespeed problems" that was all . I tested it and the pump stuffed /too much resistance and it blew a fuse. Hooked up a new pump and the pump comes on with the key, so originally it may have only been a pump that needed replacing. *However there is no starter action. Haven't got the car in a position yet where i can get at the starter, garage in use. I checked the ignition lock and the starter part of the switch is good but no action at the starter. I found a plug undone under the battery area fuse fuse tray and there has been activity around the battery area. Wondering if there is something unpluged? *Does the starter solenoid wire join into a plug that could be left undone? Where does this wiring end up and is there a relay or something at fault? Any clues? So far the mechanic hasn't got back to me to tell me what he did/disturbed.
  14. Hi Guys, looking at another Alfa , a 166. It's got a whine noise coming from the gearbox, the guy says it's driveable. What's likely to be the cause and what gar box will go in if i need to get another . I think it's a tiptronic type box? Owner said it was the torque converter? Cheers Cas
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