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  2. Alfa 147 electricals dead, boot button and window buttons not working, everything else perfect? No blown fuses that i could find but i am wondering if it is a relay or a wiring plug that is the problem I fiddled around with wiring near fuse- box inside the care and the relays behind the headlight and it worked for a few days. Not sure what i did to make it work, then it stopped working again. Any ideas, please?
  3. 99% of the internals are the same, but the case is different, so you can swap the parts around to make a good one, just make sure the ratios are the same.
  4. Let’s say you recently made a claim on your Car Insurance. The good news is that it's been processed and you’ve received a payout so you can get your vehicle back on the road. However, you may find that paying the excess on your claim means your finances still take a hit. This is where Excess Protection Insurance comes in. With this policy in place, you’ll get your policy excess back – even if you’re at fault. This is a policy that is now open to everyone, even if you don’t have your Car Insurance with us. Here are a few benefits you might like to weigh up: Enjoy a full reimbursement of up to £1,000 Cover both voluntary and compulsory excesses Get speedy reimbursement should there be a delay of 6 or more months in recovering your excess from a third party Take advantage of 12 months of protection for your pocket If you’d like to find out more, head over to the Chris Knott Insurance website: https://www.chrisknott.co.uk/motor-insurance/excess-protector/. You can also ask me any questions. Best wishes, Simon
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