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Status Updates posted by northernbstard

  1. Who am I to judge the effects of total memory loss ?

  2. What doesn't kill you....Can hurt like fuck for days !

  3. Can the last one out switch the lights off !

  4. Holidays, hotels and women...3 things that always look better online !

  5. I don't understand what nostalgia is all about ! I reckon I'm missing something

  6. Wide eyed and ....Legless

  7. Real men...Make their own bubbles in the bath !

  8. Real men....Blow their own bubbles in the bath !

  9. The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits ....

  10. Apparently, seven out of ten people use the double negative...I ain't never heard such rubbish !

  11. Life would be a lot easier if I had an Uzi 9mm, an endless supply of bullets and a cast iron alibi !

  12. We can all live to be a hundred if we give up everything that makes us want to live to be a hundred !!!

  13. If I had my life to live again...' I'd be a plumber '

  14. Life's greatest pleasure is 'doing' what folk say' you can't do' !

  15. You're only young once.... But you can always be immature !

  16. I know the voices in my aren't real....But sometimes their ideas are 'kin awesome !

  17. It may well be a small world ... But I wouldn't like to 'kin hoover it !!! .

  18. Who'd have thunk it ? Standards of grammar are on the decline !

  19. When writing....Repetition is a big no-no !

  20. Folk who use euphemisms really get on my 'you know what's

  21. Sick of cliques ??? Join the club

  22. Why did God give men a brain and a penis but only enough blood to run one at a time ?

  23. Why did God give men a brain and penis but only enough blood to run one at a time ?

  24. Why did God give men a brain and a penis....But only enough blood to run one at a time ?

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