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Everything posted by jhc

  1. Hi, I'm munky, I have 7 nipples.
  2. No... hangon... its at staverton airport... not staverton Not so close... Move along now, nothing to see here.
  3. In the process of moving the threads around I only just noticed how bloody close to me this meet is! When's the next one?
  4. You can rsvp for this event here - http://www.alfadriver.com/forum/index.php/calendar/event/5-national-alfa-day/
  5. Anyone thinking of going, please RSVP to the event in the calendar so I can gauge interest and try and sort out a meet before, during or after... or something. Click here - http://www.alfadriver.com/forum/index.php/calendar/event/4-southwest-autosport/ for the calendar event.
  6. So have the area reps... its only taken about 6 months since they were chosen to get this setup
  7. Welcome to the events section! Each area of the uk now has its own subforum for events to be posted in, and the national one for larger events that may attract people from all over. Each area will have/has one or more area reps who will be arranging meets and suggesting places to go. They will be happy to answer any questions you have or ideas for local meets too. I'd like to welcome (finally) our current band of Area Reps to the team So, Sphinx, LJ_GTA, MrsAlfa, Tess, HarryP156 and Tony156... welcome to the team They have quite a bit of the country covered, but as you can see we need more reps!!! The areas that need them most are; East Anglia Yorkshire & Humber North West North East Scotland But the Southwest isnt covered very well further down south and all areas could benefit from another person to get involved, or two. Anyone interested please send me a pm asap Erm, think thats about it... Enjoy, and get your names on the list! And don't forget to keep an eye on the forum calendar for any upcoming events in your area!
  8. My brakes squeal and its doing my nut in. It's not that they're worn, the pads on both sides have a good 8mm left on them. So its not clips or anything like that. The discs are good too. Its also too high pitched to be worn pads/clips. Its not the squeak if metal on metal. Its a much higher pitched thin squeal... A bit like tinnitus... It happens when light-medium braking (not under heavy braking but that might be cos its drowned out by the clunks and bangs of fucked bushes/balljoints) but also when the wheels are at a slight angle. Sometimes it carries on once they're straight but goes with a quick flick of the wheel. They've been soaked in brake cleaner which fixed it for about half an hour. The people I rent it from have shown they're about as interested in this as they are the broken air-con (which hasn't worked since I got it and means I have the windows open most of the time, so can't escape the brake noise) and there's a 7 day delay with the touran's respray. So if I can do a quick fix on this I will, it really is driving me a bit mental, like fingernails on a blackboard. another week of it and I may go postal... Is it just a bit of grit (or badger) trapped between the pad and disc?
  9. Ps; to fix a sticky caliper: Remove wheel. Hit caliper with a big hammer. Lots. If that doesn't work, soak it in brake cleaner and repeat. If it still doesn't work, buy a caliper refurb kit off ebay, take it apart (they're very simple), replace all the rubbers and clean up any rust on the piston, then reassemble. The most complicated bit is getting them to work again. That means bleeding, which is easy... If you know how. If you don't know how, get someone who does to do it, they're important!
  10. Hello Smaky will no doubt be along soon (and probably tell you to ignore everything I'm about to say) and yes unfortunately we have to use a post limit before pms can be sent to avoid bloody spammers. But it is only a few posts so as LJ says an intro thread, some pics of your car in the gallery, or a couple of random posts in the chit chat forum should help you along. Don't worry about the content of them too much, our residents mostly post a load of old bollocks so anything (within the rules) will do. On topic, are you sure its brake fluid? Did the brakes fail after your emergency stop? It takes a hell of an effort to burst/detach a brake hose. If it was a burst brake line your foot brakes would be non-existant as soon as it happened I think. What colour is the puddle? I'd hazard a guess its PAS fluid myself, power steering pipes are much more prone to failure than brake lines. PAS fluid is a reddy/brown colour if you dont know that already. (most leaked engine fluids look the same when they're soaking into your driveway... Try putting down a few sheets of newspaper under the engine bay for a few hours. It will show the colour much better and also point out where-ish the leak is coming from). Sorry if all this seems a bit patronising, I have no idea what your knowledge of mechanics is so I'm going with the basics. All that aside, welcome to AD
  11. Ok so a club stand is a bit ambitious maybe. But a wee get together seems plausible... I could arrange an empty house for 5+ ish people to crash in for the weekend (depending on how close you want to get... There's 4 actual beds, but with sofas, floor space and airbeds included there's room for a fair few more).... Could be a giggle? Alternatively, there's plenty of campsites in the vicinity we could invade... Dman, what type/size of stand would you be after?
  12. Nope, he needs a new pump, not rack.
  13. I'm not sure I have enough airbeds...
  14. You're welcome to crash at mine if you want. Don't have a spare room but we have airbeds and a living room...
  15. Better than my vw If we only have a couple of people we could just meet up and go in. hand some flyers out etc but skip the stand. I'll have a word about trade stands dman, should be able to do a deal of some kind.
  16. Hmm, one of our drivers has an s-type with steering issues. I'm not sure what they are or if a new rack is needed but I'll ask him and get back to you. Is it a standard part across the whole model/age range? Do you have a part number to check its the right bit if he does need it?
  17. http://www.southwestautosport.com/index.php I can get us a club stand on the cheap. Its a good friend of mine's first show and, knowing him and his past efforts, is set to be bloody good. It doesnt matter how small or big our stand would be, we'd still be welcome and it should be a great day. Just pondering...
  18. That's a much better idea. Something cheap and shit to abuse is a lot more fun than a car you care about. Unless you go all out and build a race car with cages and the like out of the gta. But that's not cheap. The shitbox was a 300 quid bag of shite, it was epic fun I wouldn't dream of doing what I did in/to that car in anything decent. Get an old 156 v6, strip the shit out of it then abuse it til it dies.
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