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Everything posted by Alexandrus

  1. Of course it's easier to replace the airbag, it's a bit of work to remove the badge. However, the price and result are in a different league. Cost of a new airbag is quite a lot, and if a used airbag is used then most likely it will have a faded badge as well. Cost of an airbag badge is low and better ones can be used, like the GTV ones, which, as you can see from pictures posted above, and more colorful and far better made.
  2. I sometimes wonder if some of you can even read. I am talking about the BADGE, need I spell it for you all ? One who says the airbag needs to be replaced just to replace the badge, especially with such certainty, is full of it. There, airbag without badge, and airbags with badges replaced. http://i.imgur.com/YJLBlIO.jpg http://i.imgur.com/zZ3PI39.jpg http://i.imgur.com/3VajKjn.jpg What do you know, it can be done afteral.
  3. Not the airbag, the badge, which I am quite sure you have no single on how to remove and replace, so you'd be doing yourself a favor by dropping the attitude.
  4. Mmm, not really. But unless you know what you're doing, it's impossible to replace. Replacements are not sold by Alfa, so alternatives must be used, like the badge for the Alfa GTV steering wheel airbag, modified, airbag opened properly, old badge removed, new ones aligned and glued.
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